Calm Skies provides fun and engaging yoga and mindfulness sessions to children and young people.

“You are the sky. Everything else is just weather.”

Perma Chodrun

Imagine if every child had the opportunity to learn how to understand their emotions, manage their anxiety and stress levels, become more resilient and able to resolve issues simply by paying more attention to their bodies and feelings. At Calm Skies, we believe it is essential to provide a pre-emptive approach to support well-being, ideally allowing it to be accessible to all. Through interactive yoga and mindfulness sessions taken in small groups, 1:1 or whole classes currently across the Hampshire area, young people learn that experiencing different emotions is normal. They can then start to identify these feelings and practice healthy emotional responses to everyday situations and events with more calm and understanding.



99.7% of teachers doing yoga with their class at least once a week, see a positive effect on their students’ well-being.

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A variety of sessions are available from Calm Skies.

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By training students about how to pay attention to the relationship between their mind and body will help them notice the impact of stress on their well-being and subsequently put learnt strategies in place to support themselves.

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Check out recent news and research into young peoples’ well-being and happiness.

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“Say what you have to say, not what you ought. Any truth is better than make-believe.”

Henry David Thoreau

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99.7% of teachers doing yoga with their class at least once a week, see a positive effect on their students’ well-being.

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By training students about how to pay attention to the relationship between their mind and body will help them notice the impact of stress on their well-being and subsequently put learnt strategies in place to support themselves

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A variety of sessions are available from Calm Skies.

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Check out recent news and research into young peoples’ well-being and happiness.

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"Say what you have to say, not what you ought. Any truth is better than make-believe."

Henry David Thoreau